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A portfolio of direct equity investments in private companies diversified across industry, vintage year and underlying private equity manager.


The portfolio of direct equity investments is diversified across industry, vintage year and underlying private equity manager. NBPE key portfolio stats include:

Portfolio companies;
6 other investments
Fair value of top 50 companies      
Private equity managers invested alongside

As at 30 September 2024.


The portfolio includes investments with unique investment angles and companies that have multiple value-creation levers.

  • High-quality private equity managers and management teams
  • Industry growth or secular trends
  • Growth of new markets or product offerings
  • Operational enhancements and M&A opportunities
  • Clear exit paths

A focus on the US market

The portfolio is weighted to North American investments. This is the largest private equity market globally and the Manager believes the overall dynamics in this market relative to other geographies has generally offered the most attractive investment opportunities.

 Pie chart 

A focus on companies expected to benefit from long-term structural growth trends

The Portfolio is well diversified and is constructed without setting specific industry targets. Instead the Manager looks for companies backed by high-quality private equity managers with strong business characteristics in favoured sectors that the Manager believes can grow faster than gross domestic product.

  Pie chart

An attractive maturity profile

The portfolio is on average positioned within the window of the three- to five-year holding period that is typically targeted by most private equity managers.

 Pie chart 

As at 30 September 2024.