Share Price


Medical device manufacturer serving multiple clinical end markets

  • Overview
  • Overview
  • Investment DateJune 2018
  • Lead InvestorJLL Partners
  • RegionUnited States
  • SectorHealthcare
  • Percent of Fair Value2%
  • Key Theme
    Long-Term Secular Growth
  • Visit WebsiteVisit Website
Value of Investment
Contract manufacturer serving medical device OEMs
Company Description

Investment Thesis

  • Attractive mid-life investment characteristics combining two businesses, forming one of the largest contract manufacturers
  • Large, addressable market with secular tailwinds
  • Strong barriers to entry and sticky customer base
  • Recurring revenue streams from diversified customers


Investment Overview


NBPE invested in a mid-life transaction alongside JLL Partners in Medplast, a medical device manufacturing company. The investment enabled the business combination with the Advanced Surgical and Orthopedic (AS&O) business of Integer Holdings (NYSE: ITGR); as part of the transaction Medplast renamed the company to Viant.

Following several acquisitions to bolster its end-to-end solutions capabilities in the medical technology space, Viant’s acquisition of Integer’s AS&O business doubled the company’s size to nearly $1 billion in sales, while also expanding its metals capabilities and its global footprint in Europe. Further, the acquisition also strengthened the company’s ability to vertically integrate as well as simplify the supply chain for customers.

The company has 25 worldwide locations with more than 6,000 associates located across North America, Central America, Europe and Asia.


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